Monday, January 7, 2008

~Seeking Wisdom

This is where my Blog Journey began last year, Welcoming Wisdom. The crèche is left up until the day of the Magi's Visit. It is the first thing to come out for the Holidays and the last to be put away.

What better time than Winter to look within and seek Wisdom? It's a natural instinct to slow down. Although we don't hibernate, it sure seems like everything around us, and within us, tells us to live more slowly and quietly. Some people are almost afraid of silence, but I love it. Not as much as the sound of the ocean or the song of a loved one's voice, but the stillness is beautiful. Of course long term as some monks and nuns have lived would be a bit too much for me.

The stories of the Three Astrologers/Magi, followers of Zoraster, have always intrigued me. They are so full of magic no matter which biblical version you read. But it's the symbolism that I like to celebrate each year, the reminder to seek Wisdom and the Gifts of the Heart and Spirit.

The last celebration of the Christmas season is one we look forward to because it is time of French Onion Soup! Since we don't eat red meats, I make it with chicken broth instead. I'm sure it's lighter tasting but after all these years it taste perfect to us. I made homemade chocolate mousse and whip cream topping this year, too. I was looking for a lighter dessert, but by the time I added the heavy cream, I don't think it was light in calories. But it was organic! LOL and very good.

Do you get all antsy when guests are coming to dinner? Lots of people do. This is casual. Whatever is there is fine, it's done with love for my little family. I hope I never get antsy about what to put on the table ever again.

I am still longing for the simplicity of white and silver settings. So the chargers were very simple silver, the white dishes I love, and don't love because they chip like crazy, tarnished silver pieces and white roses.

So I'm Hoping and Praying and Wishing
for a New Year
of Wisdom and Peace on Earth,
For You and All of Us.


  1. thank you for sharing... it's amazing how, even with the business of the season, with decorating, and cooking for family and cleaning the house, God manages to give us the wisdom and the comfort we seek especially on Christmas Day. He knows our hearts, and He rewards us for our sacrifices. God Bless!

  2. Oh Donna what a lovely post.... I too am wishing for the same kind of New Year....

    Have a great day !
    Kathy :)

  3. Hi, Donna, what a beautiful table setting & the meal sounds delicious. Wishing you a wonderful 2008 also..with all the hopes & dreams that it contains.

    sorry to hear your white dishes chip so bad. I almost held out to try to collect some of those too, when I ran across those Pfaltzgraff white ones at the yardsale & now I'm adding to that set. They seem to be perfect for everyday.



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