Monday, January 5, 2009

~ A New Year, A New Love

It was Fate, pure and simple.

He was waiting for Sweet Daughter. She brought him to her, or did he bring her to him. Either way, it was meant to be. He was looking for love but held out until she came to find him because he knew she would love him the best.

How wonderful are the people who run rescue homes? It takes such dedication and heart. The nice lady got a call at 10 pm asking for help. Only a one day window to help, then the lot of them would be gone. All eight of them. The rescue lady of course could not let something so sad happen. She came to the rescue, again.

She found homes for every single one. All the adopting people had to fill out applications, agree to the rules, which were not all that easy, and to have a home visit before the decision was made. Everyone showed up on Saturday. Except one. They actually were looking at several options and didn't tell Rescue Lady and didn't show up. One little guy was left, but went home with a foster daddy to play.

And that is how they found each other. We left early to look at other little fur balls, but they were scooped up in minutes by people who had waited for 4 hours. How great is that!? Fabulous actually. We had no idea that would happen.

So we headed north to BJ's. It just happens to be by another pet store which has rescue Saturdays, too. And there he was. Just sitting and waiting. Everyone thought he was waiting for the rescue lady to pick him up from the foster daddy, but no, he knew who he was looking for. Sweet Daughter. And she knew him before she even got out of the car.

Cody, thanks for waiting for us. There were quite a few twists in his tale to make sure he didn't go somewhere else. And someone had to agree to be with him during the day, so that makes me a new Nanna for the daytime hours. He is Yellow Lab Retriever & Golden Retriever. Right now he's snow white and just plain cute.

He's 11 weeks old & of course a little genius. But aren't they all?

See ya' soon!
Cheers to the Best New Year!


  1. Oh my goodness..what a sweetie!
    -sandy toes

  2. Well, he is definitely a little cutie. I can see why he stole your daughter's heart.
    Your grand-dog, eh? :)

  3. Awww, Donna! A new grand-puppy for you to play with. How adorable he is & what a great story! Happy New Year!

  4. Aww he's a cutey! I love that he's a rescue - so was our Maxie.


  5. Oh so absolutley a cutie Pie. Gosh, i would have to stay way from those places or i would have Alot Of cute Doggies... What a sweet and wonderful story. mishelle

  6. Thank you so much for adopting this sweetness. I always say, "if I win the lottery, I'm closing all the puppy mills!!" Oh, how I wish that would come true. God bless you and your family. Joanne ~~

  7. ooooooooooooooooh!
    he is sooooooooooo cute!! I am so happy for your sweet girl AND you - he is one very lucky little puppy...
    P.S. Happy New Year dear friend!!! May this be your best ever!!!

  8. BLESS YOU, your wonderful family, your precious daughter annnnd, huuuuge hugs n' licks to that CUTIE-PATOOTIE, LUCKY DAWG "CODY", from "Auntie" Linda/ (RMS's "Mom of a German Shorthair") and our beloved sweetie, "The Belle-Girl"... You are ALLLLL sooo blessed!!! I LOVE a "HAPPY BEGINNING..."

  9. AWWWW! He is just precious! Congratulations Nanna! laurie

  10. The perfect start to a New Year. Cody is absolutely gorgeous! Is there anything cuter than a Lab?

  11. Oooh! He is beautiful! And sweet daughter's story brought tears to my eyes. So happy they found each other!


  12. He is about the cutest dog I have ever seen! Thank your daughter for me for choosing to rescue an animal rather than buying one. With all the homeless animals out there, adoption is truly the ONLY option!

  13. Thank You So Much for blessing all of us with this wonderful story...I tell my hubby ALL of the time....Just give me 25 acres to have all of the wonderful rescue friends I can get....No go yet..We just have a 13 year old golden retriever rescue...The ONLY way to go....Cody is truly a blessing given to the perfect family at just the perfect time....Thank Yall!

  14. Oh how wonderful! You are in for a wild ride, but it will be soooo much fun. What a cute little boy.

  15. =^..^= isn't it grand how things happen ...
    Just exactly the way they are meant to.
    Yeppers. Cody knew.

    His mamma wasn't any of the ones he saw yet. His family wasn't there. He was waiting for their arrival. Waiting until the very person the faeries sent him to care for came to scoop him up forever!

    And see by waiting ... she found him.
    Proof of genius.

    . :: LucKy::YoU :: .
    Cody is BEAUTIFUL

    What a perfect beginning to the new year.
    =^..^= love, zU ( and Caila says ::woof:: )


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