Friday, April 14, 2017

~ Happy Easter to You!


Happy Easter to All
I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!


  1. Please share where you got the adorable chandelier print! Love it.

    1. Hi Jann,
      The Bunny Chandelier is my artwork. It is sometimes available in my Etsy shop, but I'm taking some time off from it right now. Thanks for stopping by, and...
      Happy Easter!

  2. ICH wünsche auch wunderschöne OSTERN
    mit der FAMILIE

    EINEN schönen ABEND
    BIS bald die BIRGIT aus TIROL

    1. Hello, I'm happy you stopped by and left your sweet comment.
      Wishing you a Happy Easter!

  3. (This comment is off topic). Saw your previous black glaze cabinet tutorial and loved it! I was wondering what paint or glaze color /brand / method you used to make the new added trim match the older wood from the cabinets?

    Signed stuck with old ugly cabinets

  4. Hi~ The cabinets that you see in the picture are all completely newly painted, there is none of the old wood showing. As a matter of fact, I had painted them all white previous to the "faux bois" finish. I use any good quality paint for my base coats and usually an artist glaze medium to mix my glazes. (Look for bottles where they sell art paints in tubes.) If you are just adding wood trim, and trying to match the wood you have, mix small amounts of art or craft paints with glaze until you get a color that works. Then you can have that color matched at a paint store, or Lowes - Home Depot, Ace etc.


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