What an inviting room! It doesn't look like a room where a couple of kids play, but it could easily be so with the addition of some storage for toys. Although it appears to be missing a TV, they tucked a not too large one inside the armoire.
This room would be extremely easy for you to get the look.
Only element could prove a bit difficult and that would be the antique cane back sofa. But there are many other options you could choose.
This home was featured by Country Living and is the creation of Emily and Michael Knotts of NC. They fully utilized trips to garage or tag sale, on line thrift find sites, and the good ol' big box hardware store.

Some of the details in the Living Room
Curtains: Love the simple window treatments that Emily sewed herself of $9 a yard cotton to mimic the more look of a more expensive linen. It is a sheer cotton, that is most likely at least twice the width of the windows for fullness. The biggest mistake that I see when people use a cheaper fabric is that the still skimp on the amount of fabric they use. This makes cheap fabric look simple cheap. To get to a more chic look use more yardage, more width and get a fuller look so it doesn't look like you tossed a drop cloth up there.
Sofa: The 1920s cane sofa was a steal at $250 from Craigslist. I've never had that kind of luck to find one in such good condition for that price. She recovered it in a drop cloth, which is perfect for washing or recycling a few years down the road if kids and pups give it a bit too much wear.
White Chair: Thrift store find. You probably recognized it as from Ikea. This I would just purchase new since it is an upholstered piece because of dust mites etc. I know lots of people are perfectly find with buying it used. However it isn't expensive to begin with. Also if you would like a much better chair that this, and you do find a resell one, you can have it reupholstered for a much longer lasting addition to your decor.
Wingback Chair: GoodWill find redone in a drop cloth. Same as the white chair, you could totally reupholster one you find at a thrift store. It is also a good idea to check upscale consignment shops,
A lot less likely to have any unwanted passengers in the fabric or upholstery.
Ladder, $5: Emily's go-to vintage source, Cline's Country Antiques near Charlotte, harbored this ladder. (clinesantiquesmpnc.com)
Lighting, $24: A $4 socket plus a $20 garden lantern equals a pendant lamp with organic appeal. (Socket; ikea.com. Similar bamboo lantern, $89.99; nova68.com)
Wardrobe, $100: This $60 wardrobe from Cline's, fronted with two $20 custom-cut Lowe's mirrors, hides the Knottses' TV. (lowes.com)
Carpet, $150: Emily bought this sea-grass rug at Hall's Flooring in Charlotte. (hallsflooring.com)
Wooden crate, $3: Another Cline's discovery, this fruit crate holds antique glass fishing floats.
Reading Nook
Wall art, $30: Emily won this 1909 pull-down map on eBay.
Chair, $60: This secondhand chair and footstool from Goodwill currently go for $349.99 total at Ikea, new.
Shelving, $4: A pair of $2 brackets convert free driftwood into a floating shelf. "Sea glass, spring branches, and driftwood bring beauty into your home—for free," Emily advises. (lowes.com)
Chair, $60: This secondhand chair and footstool from Goodwill currently go for $349.99 total at Ikea, new.
Shelving, $4: A pair of $2 brackets convert free driftwood into a floating shelf. "Sea glass, spring branches, and driftwood bring beauty into your home—for free," Emily advises. (lowes.com)
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